Hi folks
I created a gcc-linaro project and a ~gcc-linaro-dev team (Julian, Andrew, and myself right now).
I grabbed Vincent's recent imports of FSF gcc 4.4 and 4.5 branches (lp:~vila/gcc/4.4 and lp:~vila/gcc/4.5) and pushed the latest tagged release in each [1]: bzr push -r tag:gcc_4_4_4_release lp:~gcc-linaro-dev/gcc-linaro/4.4 bzr push -r tag:gcc_4_5_0_release lp:~gcc-linaro-dev/gcc-linaro/4.5
Performance of bzr is a bit inconvenient, I think I'll check with the bazaar team to see if there's something we can tune on our side or something they could fix on their side to help this.
I've setup gcc-linaro 4.4 and 4.5 series too so that one can checkout lp:gcc-linaro/4.4 and lp:gcc-linaro/4.5.
[1] and then I discovered I didn't even need the local copies: bzr branch -r tag:gcc_4_4_4_release lp:~vila/gcc/4.4 \ lp:~gcc-linaro-dev/gcc-linaro/4.4 but that doesn't help much since stuff still transits client-side