Hi, I've just built the first RC of the Android 11.12 toolchain. https://android-build.linaro.org/builds/~linaro-android/toolchain-4.6-2011.1...
The big news is that it can successfully compile ICS, and the resulting ICS build actually works. Earlier workarounds like linking a couple of files w/ the linker from the 11.11 release are no longer required.
Also, TOOLCHAIN_TRIPLET=arm-linux-androideabi is safe to use now, no need to use arm-eabi anymore.
It's currently based on the 11.11 toolchain WG release because of https://bugs.launchpad.net/linaro-android/+bug/900426 This has already been fixed earlier today, so we'll update to the 11.12 gcc branch later today or tomorrow.
I'll start moving our builds.
Happy ICSing! bero