Enclosed, please find a link to the agenda, notes and actions from the Linaro Release Weekly meeting held on September 8th in #linaro-meeting on irc.freenode.net at 16:00 UTC.
== Meeting Minutes ==
== Meeting Log ==
== Previous actions items ==
* Mounir to open the discussion with Michael Hope about Toolchain WG release date. - DONE Michael Hope agreed to change the Toolchain WG release scheme to two weeks before Linaro release. It will give Developer Platform and Android Teams a fixed two weeks between the toolchain and the platform release.
REMINDER: next Toolchain WG release is next Thursday (September 15th)
* james_w/pfalcon/fabo to follow-up closely on disk space issues, quote of hardrive. - INPROGRESS The drives have been ordered. They should be with us tomorrow (September 9th).
== Agenda ==
* Current focus: - the list of components delivered for this cycle is up-to-date - DONE - the milestone pages for this cycle are created - DONE - the blueprints are targeted to this cycle - DONE - the blueprints have a headline and an acceptance criteria - INPROGRESS See http://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles/1109/Release/Blueprints
* Weekly call for testing It was sent to board owners this week. We're working on another approach, trying to make it more efficient/useful. lava-qatracker work is ongoing. An initial version is planned for this cycle.
* Release response team setup started See https://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles/1109/Release/PointOfContacts We don't have a full boards coverage yet. Android PoC are missing. Zach will send his list soon.
* Reminder on the release dates See http://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles/1109/Release/Status It's available from the release dashboard: http://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles/1109/Release/Dashboard. In addition, the Release calendar is shared with everyone.
== Image status ==
* Ubuntu-build - no issues to report. * LT Snowball hwpack is disabled in favor of V2 and V3 hpwacks. * Linaro patched repo is dropped * Android-build is stable now.
== Bugs ==
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/709245 High ARM SMP scheduler performance bug => Tracked by jcrigby, we have a fix
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/732912 High omapdss DISPC error: GFX_FIFO_UNDERFLOW => Tracked by mounir/doanac; fixed according to doanac
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/753878 High Ubuntu image - icons and parts of screen disappear with Origen => Assigned to rsalveti, important to get fixed but no progress
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/754254 High imx51 randomly truncates serial input at 31 characters => Spring can't verify because of 2 other bugs (see below)
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/788746 High Ethernet is not enabled be default => Assigned to mpoirier, being worked on
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/789095 Bluetooth does not work on PandaBoard => Assigned to rsalveti
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/807230 High ADB requires new userland setup w/ linux-linaro-android 3.0-2011.07 => Assigned to vishal, being worked on
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/816491 High System crashes when display attempts to sleep => Waiting for Andy Green, we need LT support on that
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/816638 High Pulseaudio consumes 100% of the cpu when trying to play a sound with natty's linaro LEB and 3.0.0-1402-linaro-lt-omap => Assigned to rsalveti, kan_hu is helping; in progress
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/823313 High Android LEB fails to mount system and user partition interminttently => Assigned to philang, no progress, Anmar/Tony to get information on the bug
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/824506 Graphics driver on i.MX53 Android issues => Fix commited on Android userland, FSL may want to fix the driver
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/829220 Critical linaro-media-create fails for snowball_emmc => Fixed but trigger another issue, mpoirier to comment
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/832356 High LT-Panda 11.07/08 lacks device tree support => Assigned to rsalveti
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/832680 High Make available source and debug packages corresponding to Linaro binary images => Assigned to rsalveti
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/839539 mx51evk can't load uImage and dtd from mmc card => Eric M. waiting for Spring response
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/839541 mx51evk can't find rootfs by UUID, LABEL or device node, then drop to initramfs => Eric M. waiting for Spring response
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/841778 leb-origen failed to build for a couple days in a row => Assigned to Botao/Angus, Trigger bug 844380 and bug 844041, in progress
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/841781 no release builds for 11.09 have been set up yet => Zach will release builds for 11.09 soon
* http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/843628 perf failure on panda (omap4) => Assigned to Dave Long/aviksil
== Action items ==
* TLs/PMs to re-discuss weekly testing and comes up with a plan to improve the situation. * pfefferz/mansson_ /dzin to sort out the PoC for Android. It might need some redefinition of who we need. * fabo to drop all patched repo instance from the release websites, launchpad and wiki.
== People present ==
fabo pfefferz rsalveti mounir mansson_ james_w uahmad_ anmar tgall_foo ibiris