[Been awful busy and got behind on these - 3 weeks-worth - ignore spurious repeat of week32]
Debian-ports buildd maintenance (e.g perl 5.20 transition) Now at 87% built. qt4-x11 patches forward-ported, tested, upstreamed and uploaded DebBug #735488 (DEVPLAT-226) OpenJade autoconf updated so it builds, DebBug #748626 (DEVPLAT-226) Notmuch gdb issue fixed Debbug #757454 (DEVPLAT-221 5%) Keyutils build fixed: DebBug #757530( DEVPLAT-221 4%) Debian porterbox lvm+chroots setup (DEVPLAT-226: 5%) Porterbox accounts/keys for mono, libreoffice, qt + few other maintainers created Debian main buildds setup (with Steve McIntyre) (at 48% after 2 weeks) (CARD-1586) Bootstrap sprint hotel booking for all Bootstrap Sprint, Paris (4 days) 30% Build-profiles design improved and finalised Multiarch cross-compiler packaging designed and implemented Fixed guile-2.0 crossbuild failure on arm and arm64: DebBug #758463 (DEVPLAT-221) Sprint report written and sent https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/2014/BootstrapSprint/Results gcc-cross-support uploaded to tools test repo (DEVPLAT-220) dpkg-cross autoconf vars redesigned into cross-support Cross-binutils updated (dpkg-vendor, new targets) (DEVPLAT-220) Wanna-build-sortblockers enhanced for BDI output Jobs set up to put w-b-sortblockers output online (debian and debian-ports) Buildd bootstrap tending. (CARD-1586 20%) Cross-gcc updated and uploaded (DEVPLAT-220 10%) Gcc-cross-support enhanced (with Dima Kogan) (DEVPLAT-220) Sbuild fixed to support multiarch builds. Tested on head and build-daemon branches. (DEVPLAT-220) Mass-bugfiling script for arm64 (autoreconf) written (CARD-1586) First 35 Mass bugs filed (CARD-1586 - 10%) New debian arches announced: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2014/08/msg00012.html Debootstrap from new arm buildds tested (DEVPLAT-219 5%) 'Can Debian change anything in less than 2 years' talk given at debconf 'State of bootstrap' talk given at debconf ARM BoF at debconf (with Steve McIntyre) Dak tested with cross-arch deps (OK) (DEVPLAT-220 2%) Design for britney cross-arch processing discussed (DEVPLAT-220 3%) debile (buildd) cross-support designed with developer