Hi all,
Thought this might be of interest to folks.
The first is an overall comparison (pretty high level) of available boards, and the second is a breakdown of the top 2 results: the Apple iPad2 and the Hardkernel ODROID-A (FWIW, according to androidtablets.net, the odroid-a is an Orion). While this can certainly be a red herring, it might be nice to see these comparisons with identical screen resolutions (i.e. not all performance measurements are sensitive to pixel resolution).
cheers, Jesse
On 18 March 2011 23:37, Jesse Barker jesse.barker@linaro.org wrote:
Hi all, Thought this might be of interest to folks. http://www.glbenchmark.com/result.jsp?benchmark=glpro20&orderby=405&...
hi Jesse,
Thanks for sharing. However, I have no idea about the real measuring methods for GLbenchmark.
Instead, 0xlab developers did the open source benchmarking as well: http://0xbenchmark.appspot.com/
This service is based on Google AppEngine, and you can login to check more device comparisons.
The first is an overall comparison (pretty high level) of available boards, and the second is a breakdown of the top 2 results: the Apple iPad2 and the Hardkernel ODROID-A (FWIW, according to androidtablets.net, the odroid-a is an Orion). While this can certainly be a red herring, it might be nice to see these comparisons with identical screen resolutions (i.e. not all performance measurements are sensitive to pixel resolution).
ODROID-A looks promising.
Regards, -jserv