== Progress == * Tended buildds. Now Debian arm64 is passed 75% built (and sparc64) (DEVPLAT-219: 10%) http://buildd.debian-ports.org/stats/graph-quarter-big.png * Tested/updated Chen's bugfixes, and bugrepped/NMUed 34 packages with old bugs. (DEVPLAT-219: 40%) * Worked on zookeeper/openjdk crash issue with Ed (DEVPLAT-219: 20%) * Agreed with maintainer to drop emacs23 so we don't have to fix it * Looked at remaining unbuilt packages in SCC * Got wxwidgets and dirac built (DEVPLAT-219: 5%) * Updated cross-toolchain packages to current binutils and gcc-4.9. lots of breakage (10%) * GSOC midterm evaluation (15%
== Plans == * Finish/test/upload openjdk/zookeeper * Fix/NMU remaining packages in SCC http://people.debian.org/~wookey/bootstrap/blockerlist * Investigate PDF build errors. * Mail release team about arm64 prospects
== Issues == NMUing gets tedious.