(Really week 40 this week, not like last's week 'week40' :-/ )
== Progress ==
* Buildd-tending:
Debian official rebuild is up to 80% (All of SCC built) (CARD-1586: 15%)
* Made/uploaded official sbuild release with multiarch build support (DEVPLAT-220: 40%)
* Debugging sbuild issue caused by above code: #763635 (DEVPLAT-220: 20%)
* Built updated cross-binutils 0.10 packages (DEVPLAT-220: 5%)
* Fixed texlive-bin and google-perftools failures (CARD-1586: 15%)
* Built/uploaded a pile of official arm64 packages on turfan (APM machine)(CARD-1586: 20%)
== Plans ==
* Get cross-toolchain packages into testing before freeze
* Upload sbuild with profile support
* Enable new buildd hardware
== Issues ==
Shortage of hours in day before freeze
Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM
Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM
Week 39:
== Progress ==
Android Release (20 %)
Vacation for 4 days.
Week 40
== Progress ==
Juno firmware update (DEVPLAT-262, 10%)
Roadmap Cards process (10%)
Ara (40%)
Holiday in India on October 2nd and 3rd.
== Plans ==
Enable SELinux support in linux linaro