Hi, All
Can anyone help to answer this question?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Linas Chang shchang@marvell.com Date: 24 April 2012 19:11 Subject: GB question To: YongQin Liu yongqin.liu@linaro.org
Hi YongQin****
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Sorry ,I have new question****
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I try to burn GB pre-build image to snowboard****
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I found there are two type image one is for v5 another is for v7****
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How to know our board belong to v5 or v7****
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I have read ics instruction like****
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http://releases.linaro.org/12.03/android/images/snowball-ics-gcc46-igloo-sta... ****
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but I don’t find any doc mention how to used GB pre-build binary , it like ics?****
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We also find v5 and v7 also has two images ****
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For v5 example , there are ****
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snowball-android-v5-20120201-2.img.gzhttp://igloocommunity.org/download/android/gb/images/20120201/snowball-android-v5-20120201-2.img.gz ****
snowball-android-v5-20120201.img.gzhttp://igloocommunity.org/download/android/gb/images/20120201/snowball-android-v5-20120201.img.gz ****
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which one is correct or I need to combine both , if need to combine both , how to do that?****
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