On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 01:48:36PM +0100, Wookey wrote:
what is the standard procedure to install build-dep so that I can build all my packages? the package files (.h, .la) have been installed in /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi, but not the .so (which kind of make sense). but should I worry about the pkg-config issue?
The correct installation of cross-dependencies and arch-independent dependencies is an unpleasantly complicated area (despite being superficially dead simple), because it's actually very difficult to know which deps are arch-independent and which aren't, and thus at what point(s) the cross-deps tree should be terminated in the native dependency tree. Better metadata would help a lot here. In the meantime various tools have been created which will make their best guess.
Better metadata is on the way, via multiarch.
Perhaps it would be beneficial to begin annotating some of these Multi-Arch: foreign packages so that dpkg-cross can make use of that information, independently of dpkg implementing support for co-installation of Multi-Arch: same library packages?