the url for jpeg test with skia bench
2012/1/9 Christian Robottom Reis
- Wiki page for libjpeg-turbo integration in skia and skia_test usage
for jpeg performance test was created
Ah -- a URL would be nice?
- Created a parser for the test definition of Speex
Where is this and the libav Realvideo code going?
- Bug #893402 is impeding progress in end-to-end audio testing (only a
prototype is available for desktop - pandaboard is not functional).
What's blocking this -- it's not clear from the bug? Let me know and I can help get it unstuck.
Risks -UCM for Android will be split to cover the different parts of the work
- some of the work will be done till LCQ1.12 but the work will be
completed after Connect
Tom, tell me more about this one today.
Christian Robottom Reis, Engineering VP Brazil (GMT-3) | [+55] 16 9112 6430 | [+1] 612 216 4935 Open Source Software for ARM SoCs
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