On Wed, Jun 16, 2010, Shaz wrote:
Which ARM sub-architectures are supported by the toolchains or are planned because as far as I can understand then Linaro has not decided how to support these different versions yet. Haven't tried this toolchain but expect it to be generic arm ...
The toolchain which Marcin built was built from current Ubuntu maverick packages which target armv7a + vfpv3-d16 and default to Thumb(-2) mode.
The resulting cross-toolchain can target any arch and fpu variants supported in GCC 4.4.4 for the 4.4 packages and 4.5.0 for the 4.5 ones.
It should relatively doable to create your own toolchain with different defaults, or using a different GCC patchset, using the same approach.
Linaro's toolchain is based on the FSF one; new developments will mostly be ARM related. For now, Linaro pre-built packages will be as in the default toolchain config described above, but it's possible to rebuild them with any opt you like; Peter Pearse is notably leading an effort to do armv5+vfp and armv6+vfp cross-rebuilds of some packages.