+Zach +Andy Last I heard we were waiting on them to make the first batch and get them to us, but it had to be a decent sized run so it was going to be split with someone else. Zach or Andy may have more recent news though. On Jul 24, 2012 2:54 PM, "Christian Robottom Reis" kiko@linaro.org wrote:
On Sun, Jul 08, 2012 at 09:40:46AM +0100, Dave Pigott wrote:
Shouldn't require a kernel change. Just a configuration with a really
annoyingly low default. I am concerned with the explosion of the numbers mmc partitions in android though...
So am I. It means that, until the sd mux lands, we will have to have a special kernel build of the lava master images to support more partitions. We already ran out on imx53 and origen so we can't support the userdata partition.
What's the status of this fabled SD MUX thingamajig?
Christian Robottom Reis, Engineering VP Brazil (GMT-3) | [+55] 16 9112 6430 | [+1] 612 216 4935 Linaro.org: Open Source Software for ARM SoCs